Viral Infection is the illness that you might get from tiny microorganisms that use our cells to multiply themselves into viruses. These Viral Infections usually cause respiratory and digestive illness. But can also infect other parts of the body.
Viruses are small infectious agents which are not considered a s living organisms as they cannot carry out their own metabolic processes. They rely on the host cells and use their cellular machinery so that they can replicate themselves and produce more and more viruses.
What is a Virus?
It is a germ or we can say a pathogen which is so small that you can only see it under a microscope. They are made up of genetic material which can be either DNA or RNA which is found inside of a protein coating called capsid. We can assume it is like an envelope which carries instructions. On the other hand our cells are like a whole factory which does include instructions but also has the machinery with the help of which they can carry those instructions out. These instructions guide them in how they can build proteins and make more and more cells.
Like you and me these viruses do not have cells in them which means that they do not have the machinery with the help of which they can not carry out their instructions. Therefore if they need to make copies of their instruction then they have to break into our cells and use our machinery to do so.
There are a huge number of viruses which are present on earth but only a few of them can cause harm to us and infect us. Some of these diseases that viruses can cause include common cold, flu, covid-19 and HIV.
How does the Virus spread ?
Viruses can be spread in many different ways:-
- If the droplets and particles that are breathed out by the person who is infected, and you take the same particles in through air or they can just land up on your mouth or nose then it can also infect you in the same way.
- If you touch any surface which is contaminated by these viruses and then touch your mouth, nose, eyes etc.
- It can transfer from a pregnant women to her baby during the pregnancy
- Through the consumption of contaminated water and food
- By being bitten by any insect or animal
- You can also get infection through sexual contact with someone who is already infected. This happens usually through vaginal, anal and oral sex.
What are the types of viral infections?
There are various types of viral infections and they are usually described by the part of your body that they infect.
- Respiratory infections – This affects your nose, throat, airways and lungs. Many respiratory viruses can cause bronchitis, sinusitis, ear infection or pneumonia. Like, common cold which is caused by rhinovirus, the flu or influenza, COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus etc.
- Digestive system – Viral infections in your digestive system can affect your stomach and intestine or even your liver. They disrupt the normal functioning of these organs. The viruses which usually affect the digestive system are norovirus, rotavirus and astrovirus which can cause gastroenteritis which is commonly known as “stomach flu”. Hepatitis viruses mainly cause liver disease. These are the types of infections which are stubborn and stay for quite a long time. They are usually chronic in nature.
- Hemorrhagic fevers- Viral hemorrhagic fevers are a group of illnesses which is caused by viruses that damages your blood vessels and can lead to severe bleeding. These fevers can also cause mild symptoms like body pain and fatigue. They spread usually through insect bites and contact with body fluids of infected people or even animals. Viral illnesses that cause hemorrhagic fevers include: ebola virus, dengue fever, yellow fever, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome etc. this fever is mostly prominent in africa, central america, south america, asia and pacific island.
- Sexually transmitted viruses- Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections ( STIs) mainly spread due to the sexual contact which includes oral, anal and vaginal sex. These viruses mainly infect the genitals, anal and the oral areas of the body and can also lead to a wide range of health issues if not provided with treatment on time. Some of these viruses are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human papillomavirus ( HPV), hepatitis B, etc.
- Exanthematous viral infections- Exanthematous viral infection that refers to a group of viral infections which is characterized by a distinctive rash in skin, also known as exanthem. This is one of the prominent symptoms. They are very common amongst the children but can also affect the people of all the age groups. Exanthematous virals can be of many types like measles (rubeola), rubella (german measles), roseola infantum, fifth disease (erythema infectiosum), dengue fever.
Who do Viral Infections affect the most?
We all can get a viral infection at one particular point. But can be at an increased risk of serious illness from particular types of viruses if you are under the age of 5 years or above the age of 65 as during these ages your immunity is not at its best. It can also be risky if you have certain health conditions like diabetes, asthma or any other chronic lung diseases. Even during the pregnancy you are at a very high risk of getting affected by the viruses around you.
If you feel that you are not keeping well and you visit your doctor then he can often very easily diagnose you with a viral infection by looking and listening to your symptoms. If he wants to diagnose a specific type of virus infection then he might take a mouth, throat, or a nose swab test or even he can ask you to get some of the blood tests done. Doctors usually send these body fluid samples to a lab so that they can look for the signs of which viral infection has been causing you discomfort.
How can you prevent yourself from getting viral infections?
- Getting vaccination done at proper time so that it can help you in preventing many dangerous viral infections including polio, hepatitis, measles etc.
- Maintaining proper Hygiene is very important- You should always wash your hands quite frequently with water and soap. This will reduce the risk of many viral infections from entering your body. Especially the ones which are transmitted through respiratory droplets.
- Engage in safe sexual practices- Try to always wear a condom while having sex. Avoid the sharing of personal items such as razors, toothbrushes etc. also always use sterilized needles and medical instruments. These will prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted and bloodborne viruses.
- Reduce the Exposure to disease vectors like mosquitoes by using mosquito nets and repellents in the areas that are very much prone to them. They can help you in preventing the infections which are transmitted from them like malaria, dengue etc.
- Avoid having close contact with the people who are sick and already going through viral diseases.
What is a Virus?
Virus is a germ or a pathogen which is so small that you can only see it under a microscope. They are made up of genetic material which can be either DNA or RNA which is found inside of a protein coating called capsid.
What is Viral Infection?
Viral Infection is the illness that you might get from tiny microorganisms that use our cells to multiply themselves into viruses. These Viral Infections usually cause respiratory and digestive illness.
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