Private Tutors Can Make The Exam Season A Calmer, Mentally Healthier Time For Stressed Students

Exams can be daunting for students and parents, but with the right approach it can become a rewarding and manageable experience. Expert private tutors
Exams can be daunting for students and parents, but with the right approach it can become a rewarding and manageable experience. Expert private tutors
Private Tutors Can Make The Exam Season A Calmer, Mentally Healthier Time For Stressed Students

Exams can be daunting for students and parents, but with the right approach it can become a rewarding and manageable experience. Expert private tutors can support academic study and exam-readiness while promoting students’ mental health with movement, exploration and mentorship.

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Exams are an essential part of most students’ academic experience, regardless of their learning environment. It helps reinforce the learning that takes place, whether in a classroom or homeschool setting. It’s often a stressful and overwhelming time of year – for students and their parents.

Adam Caller, founder and CEO of Tutors International, reveals that parents who engage a residential private tutor to support students in the run-up to exams report lower levels of frustration, a calmer – even happy – environment, and better exam results.

Adam Caller: “Having a full-time private tutor doesn’t just lead to outstanding exam results but also gives students the skills and confidence needed to excel in those exams – and the future. The success of our tutored students is a testament to the profound impact that dedicated, one-on-one tutoring has on their educational outcomes.”

Private Tutoring For Exam Preparation, Mentorship, And Mental Health

Tutors International, with its worldwide network of skilled tutors, offers personalised residential tutoring. This tailored approach lets tutors create flexible and effective study plans that meet the specific needs and goals of each student. More than just helping students succeed academically, private tutors are experienced in keeping students healthy – mentally and physically – so they can face their exams feeling ready and confident.

According to the National Institutes of Health, research has shown that taking breaks in between study sessions boosts retention. Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) runs from 13 to 19 May 2024, and the theme this year is around movement for mental health.

Adam Caller: It’s important to encourage children to take breaks while studying. Sitting down for long periods can be tiring and unproductive. The brain can only absorb so much information at a time.”

Joanna Dunckley-Phillips, private tutor with Tutors International: “”The great thing about residential tutoring is that you’re not constrained to a desk. You seek the learning opportunity in everything. You can go outside, do the laundry, visit a museum, make a meal together, play some music, shoot some hoops – anything that develops pattern recognition, helps the student understand things they were struggling with, or reinforces concepts.” 

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Here is Joanna Dunckley-Phillips speaking at the Prestel & Partner Forum Conference in 2023 about why full-time tutors are able to achieve such success with students:

Recognising when revision is affecting mental health

Of course exam season is stressful, and some degree of stress is important to foster determination, resilience, and hard work – and the all-important pride when it pays off. However, parents should look out for signs that a child is becoming overwhelmed and experiencing too much stress in the run up to exam season. These include:

  • Procrastination: If a child is consistently putting off their revision until the last minute, or avoiding it altogether, it may be a sign that they are finding it challenging or stressful.
  • Obsession: Conversely, if a child is spending too much time revising, they may be feeling overwhelmed, fearful of failure, and risk burnout.
  • Frustration: If a child becomes easily frustrated or upset while doing their revision, it may be a sign that they are finding it challenging.
  • Physical symptoms: Stress can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, and sleep disturbances. If a child is experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be a sign that they are finding revision stressful.

Students and parents should understand the significance of self-care and well-being. It is important for them to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep. By taking care of their physical and mental health, students can stay focused and motivated.

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Parents should work together with their child to recognise the signs of stress.

“If you can see that this year’s exam season is not going as well as could be hoped, early intervention for next year is vital. We provide the support needed for success in the coming academic year,” advises Caller.

Engaging a private tutor can help students prepare well for exams, prioritise their health, and learn important study skills that will not only benefit them in their current school year, but throughout their academic journey.

About Tutors International

Tutors International provides an unparalleled private tutoring service that matches the right private home tutor with the right child for the student to reach their personal potential and academic excellence fully. Delivering an international private tuition service for children of all ages at different points in their educational journeys, Tutors International is founded on a commitment to finding the perfect tutor to realise each student’s specific goals and aspirations. Tutors are available for full-time residential positions, after-school assistance, and home-schooling.

Founded in 1999 by Adam Caller, Tutors International is a private company based in Oxford, a city renowned for academic excellence. Our select clientele receives a personally tailored service, with discretion and confidentiality guaranteed.

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