Let’s examine a few Ayurvedic ways and remedies that can support our well-being throughout the wet season. The monsoon season’s beauty and charm come to light when the clouds roll in and the rain dances against the windowpane.
The atmosphere is energised and the planet is revitalised. But apart from the rain’s romantic attraction, the monsoon season brings with it a host of health problems. Because of the high humidity in the air, many illnesses thrive during this time of year, therefore it’s crucial that we take extra care to keep our health safe.
Ayurvedic Ways for Monsoon-Related Health Problems
In these situations, the traditional holistic healing practise of Indian Ayurveda can offer enlightening guidance and efficacious remedies to bolster our capacity to stay robust and well during the monsoon. Ayurveda, which translates to “knowledge of life,” aims to maintain a balance between the mind, body, and spirit in order to promote holistic well-being. Let’s examine a few Ayurvedic methods and remedies that can support our well-being throughout the wet season.
Consume A Lot of Fluids to Remain Hydrated
During the monsoon, it’s crucial to stay hydrated even with the drop in temperature. Warm beverages, including herbal teas or warm water, are preferable to chilly ones. Digestion and detoxification can be aided by consuming warm water with a squeeze of lemon. Alcohol and caffeine should not be used in excess since they cause the body to become dehydrated.
Continue Eating a Healthful Diet
According to Ayurveda, good health depends on having a robust “Agni,” or digestive fire. The monsoon’s high humidity inhibits digestion, which leads to a slow metabolism and toxin accumulation. To counter this, choose warm, light meals like stews, soups, and herbal teas. Spice up your meals with components that aid with digestion, such as ginger, garlic, cumin, and coriander. Eat less fried, greasy, and other heavy foods that can put strain on your digestive system.
Ayurveda Or Self-Care Massage
Self-massage with warm oil, known as abhyanga in Ayurveda, is a wonderfully calming and revitalising practise. During the monsoon, massages with sesame oil can improve circulation, nourish the skin, and lessen joint pain caused by moisture. It also aids in reducing stress and enhancing general wellbeing. Incorporate this self-care method into daily monsoon regimen to enjoy all of its benefits.
Neti – Nasal irrigation
The monsoon season often triggers allergies and breathing issues. The neti technique—a type of nasal irrigation—may provide relief from these problems. Fill a neti pot with warm saline solution, then slowly pour the fluid through one nostril and out the other. This process eliminates allergies, clears the nasal passages, and relieves congestion. Use sterile water and keep your surroundings clean when doing neti.
Oil Scooping
“Oil pulling” is an Ayurvedic procedure that involves swishing a tablespoon of edible oil—like sesame or coconut oil—around in your mouth for ten to fifteen minutes. This process lessens dental problems, improves overall oral hygiene, and helps flush toxins from the mouth. Frequent oil pulling can also strengthen immunity, reducing the risk of sickness during the monsoon season.
Examine Several Herbal Teas
It’s a terrific idea to drink herbal infusions to boost your immunity and prevent frequent monsoon diseases. Known by many as holy basil, tulsi is prized for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Boil a few leaves in water to relieve coughs, colds, and respiratory congestion. Furthermore, combining honey, ginger, and turmeric strengthens your body’s defences and lowers inflammation.
Using Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a great way to improve your mood and promote wellness during the monsoon. Essential oils with antibacterial properties, such as lavender, eucalyptus, and lemongrass, can boost immunity, lessen stress, and purify the air. Diffuse the oils or add a few drops to your bathwater to reap the calming effects.
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