Unraveling the truth about Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most chronic and common medical conditions which has affected many people and is still continuing to do worldwide. Diabetes has become a topic of concern in recent times.
Diabetes is one of the most chronic and common medical conditions which has affected many people and is still continuing to do worldwide. Diabetes has become a topic of concern in recent times.
Unraveling the truth about Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most chronic and common medical conditions which has affected many people and is still continuing to do worldwide. Diabetes has become a topic of concern in recent times.

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This article will be enlightening about this prevalent health issue and will offer you insight into what diabetes is, and what are its risk factors and its preventive measures.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes which is also known as diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder which can be characterized with the presence of high levels of glucose in the blood. Glucose is the primary source of energy and its levels are highly regulated by the hormone insulin which is secreted by the pancreas. If the levels of insulin malfunctions then there are high chances that you have diabetes. If these high levels of blood sugar are kept untreated then it will form diabetes and can cause damage to vital organs like eyes, kidneys and also other organs. 

Types of diabetes

There are four types of diabetes:-

Type 1 diabetes – This is the less common type of diabetes. It can occur at any point of time and age, but it is usually diagnosed in children, teens or young adults. This is a form of diabetes which is an autoimmune disease where the immune system of the body is attacked and destroys the beta cells in the pancreas which produces the insulin. Which causes little or no secretion of insulin in the body. Though it is very unclear what attacks the immune system. People with this type of diabetes are usually required to get insulin injections or an insulin pump so that their blood sugar levels are in the right place.

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Type 2 diabetes – This type of diabetes is more common among the people and usually happens to the adults. But because of the high obesity rates now teens and children are also getting diagnosed with it. This type is more associated with the insulin resistance , where our body cells do not respond effectively to the insulin and the sugar build up in your blood which is produced. People who have this type of diabetes usually do not know what they have.

Gestational – This type of diabetes occurs mostly at the time of pregnancy and might get resolved usually after the birth of the child. The insulin blocking hormones are produced by the placenta which causes this type of diabetes. But it increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in the stages of life.

Risk factors involved 

Family history – Genetic predisposition of diabetes can increase the risk of developing the condition. If your family members have diabetes then maybe develop this disease as it is genetically predisposed to you. It is a;so very important to make sure that genetics cannot be the only factor causing you diabetes. It is usually seen that families share a similar type of lifestyle and eating habits. Which can also be the contributing reason for the development of diabetes. Therefore it is very important to have a mindful lifestyle and make correct dietary choices. 

Obesity – Excess amount of eight most commonly around the abdomen area can cause the development of type 2 diabetes. The type of fat which is found around the abdomen is known as visceral fat. This is a metabolically active fact that releases the chemicals which disrupt the function of the insulin in the body. Obesity can be very closely associated with the resistance of insulin. This is a condition where your cells do not respond in an effective way to the insulin secretion. And for the same reason the body needs more amount of insulin so that it can regulate the sugar levels in the blood. And if not then it can lead to diabetes.

Physical inactivity – Living a lazy and still life can have many effects on your body and metabolism. If you are someone who is not involved in regular physical activity which is very crucial in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Regular exercise can help your cells in becoming more sensitive to the insulin secretion, making it easy for your body to control blood sugar. Physical inactivity can be a significant factor for the formation of type 2 diabetes.


General symptoms

  • People with diabetes usually get hungry quite often and their hunger gets increased which is known as polyphagia in which cells do not get enough glucose for energy. And in result the body asks for more food so that it can generate more and more energy.
  • Increased thirst also known as polydipsia is also one of the most common symptoms of diabetes. It happens when the body tries to discharge the excess sugar through increased urine output.
  • Very high blood sugar levels can lead to changes of the eye levels which can cause temporary vision problems. These changes in the vision can be easily reversed with proper management of diabetes.
  • You can also feel extreme fatigue and weakness due to diabetes as the cells do not get enough glucose and the body lacks in the energy.
  • High levels of sugar in the blood makes it difficult for the body in repairing the damaged tissues as the wounds take time to heal and you can get recurring skin infections.

Symptoms in men

  • Men dealing with diabetes can experience a decrease in libido ( decreased sex drive) this can be because of hormonal imbalance or even psychological factors.
  • Diabetes affects the blood vessels and nerves of the body which can potentially lead to erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men.
  • Muscles can get weak due to diabetes as the body struggles in using the glucose energy in an effective manner.

Symptoms in women

  • Vaginal dryness is a very common symptom which the womens faces while dealing with diabetes. This can lead to discomfort and pain during the intercourse.
  • UTIs is one of the common issues which can be seen in women having diabetes as high blood sugar can make the urinary tract more prone to getting infections.
  • Diabetes can make your skin dry which can become very itchy and also prone towards infections if not take care of it properly. Always keep moisturizing your skin to prevent it from getting infected.

What steps can be taken in preventing diabetes 

Eating healthy – having a balanced diet is very important in managing diabetes. Eating food which has a low amount of glycemic index in it can help in regulating your blood sugar levels. These food items take time in getting digested therefore it prevents the high and low level in blood sugar. Try to maintain a healthy weight as it is very crucial for diabetes management. By controlling the portion sizes and taking nutritious food one can reduce the risk of obesity which is a major contributing risk factor to type 2 diabetes.

Regular workout – being active physically can have many benefits in preventing diabetes. Daily exercise helps in maintaining a healthy weight and can promote in losing visceral fat.

Regular checkups – detecting diabetes at a very early age can be very helpful as it can be cured easily. Make sure that you get routine screenings done which can help you in detecting diabetes or even prediabetes before symptoms become severe. These screenings will allow the doctor to monitor blood sugar levels and adjust the treatment plans according to it.

Medication and insulin – when detected with diabetes the doctors will curate a treatment plan which will be meeting the needs of the person’s condition. Medication and insulin can help you in regulating blood sugar levels, which can prevent you in reducing the risk of getting high or low blood sugar levels.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is also known as diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder which can be characterized with the presence of high levels of glucose in the blood.

What are the Types of diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes and Gestational are the Types of diabetes.


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