Delve into the ancient art of Yoga, which has been a timeless practice that unfolds the secrets over millennia. Yoga provides you with all the tools and techniques which lead to a stress-free and relaxed life.
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Can you lose weight with yoga? This is the most asked question of all the times. In this article we will be unveiling the mysterious relationship between yoga and weight loss. Imagine yoga poses as a symphony of movements, a melodious dance which not only nurtures your body but also helps you in shedding those stubborn pounds.
Now we would be dealing with the stage of yoga for weight loss, which is a captivating way in which you feel less stressed. When we are stressed, our bodies release a hormone known as cortisol, which can make you hold on to some extra weight that too particularly on the belly region. If you are practicing yoga for losing weight then with this you also get the benefit of low stress levels and cortisol levels in your body. Which eventually makes it easier for your body to lose those extra pounds.
So now, step on your yoga mat so that you can let that stubborn weight of yours melt away. Let us now get to know some of the Yoga Asanas for weight loss:-
- SUN SALUTATION- Sun salutation also known as surya namaskar is known as the king of the asanas. It is a series of positions which is often used as a warm-up in yoga classes. This particular yoga exercise deals with the whole body and makes it an ideal set of yoga exercises for losing weight. This particular yoga exercise helps in toning your neck, shoulders, spine, arms, hands, wrists, legs and also the back muscles. There are in total 12 yoga poses in one set of surya namaskar and one whole round of surya namaskar consists of two sets in whole. On an average surya namaskar helps in burning 13.90 calories for a person who is of average weight. Hence you can set a target for yourself and try to slowly increase the number of the rounds of surya namaskar rounds to 108, and when you reach this number you will find a leaner and fit you.
- WARRIOR POSE- Warrior pose also known as virabhadrasana helps in toning your legs, arms and lower back. It also helps in building your stamina which further aids in doing a strenuous yoga workout. It helps in energizing the body and also promotes balance in the body. To perform this pose all you need to do is stand straight, stretch your legs without bending your knees at a distance of three to four feet apart while keeping your straight. Now bend your knees and twist the upper half of the body, facing sideways. Raise your hands straight like a wing and try to stay in this position for at least 10 seconds. If you are someone who is dealing with chronic knee pain, diarrhea, high blood pressure then you should avoid doing this yoga exercise.
- BOW POSE- Also known as dhanurasana is one of the best yoga poses which helps you in losing belly fat. This pose induces a stretch in the abdominal region which helps in losing the fat and also tones the arms and legs. This also helps in improving your posture, and stretches your full body. It also works efficiently on the back, chest, abs, legs, hips and arms. Bow pose can also indirectly support weight loss by also helping in building muscle and improving your metabolic rate. To perform this yoga pose you need to be in a face down position, where you bend your knees and hold your ankle with both of your hands keeping your knees hip-width apart. Now lift your chest and thighs off the floor, while you are holding your ankle. Make sure that you continue breathing and also try to hold that pose for 20 seconds at least.
- CHAIR POSE- Also famously known as utkatasana. It is said the higher the metabolic rate of your body the more fat gets burnt. This asana helps in increasing your metabolic rate and is known to be one of the best yoga exercises for weight loss. This pose will work on your muscles while you are maintaining the pose. As your muscles are working your body’s metabolic rate is increasing which provides the energy that is needed to sustain the activity. Adding to this this pose also tones your thighs, legs and knees. If you are someone who is suffering from blood pressure, insomnia, and migraine then you should not try this pose.
- BRIDGE POSE- Also known as setu bandha sarvangasan involves you to lie down on your back, bend your knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor pressing them down. In this pose you push your torso up, while you are placing your hand under your hips having your palm facing down. This pose helps in improving your metabolism which will also help them in burning more fat. This pose will help your work upon thyroid, glutes, shoulder, spine, thighs and back. This pose also helps in improving digestion and toning your muscle.
- DOWNWARD FACING DOG POSE- Commonly known as adho mukha svanasana is a perfect pose if you are aspiring for a tone and lean body. This helps in strengthening your arms, thighs, hamstring and back. It looks like a resting pose but when you perform it you can feel the burn all over your arms and body. Holding this pose and trying to concentrate on your breath makes you feel engaged. This also improves your concentration and blood circulation.
- YOGA NIDRA- The link between our weight and sleep runs deep. When you skimp on rest, fat tends to gather and throw a party, causing those numbers on the scale to climb. But fear not, because there’s a remedy: Yoga Nidra. It’s a fusion of sleep and meditation, a powerful elixir for rejuvenating the system. In simpler terms, it’s like a form of ‘conscious sleep.’ The rest you experience with Yoga Nidra goes beyond your typical slumber—it’s intentional relaxation, making it an excellent practice for shedding those extra pounds.
And here’s the bonus: Yoga Nidra doesn’t just stop at conscious sleep; it’s also a maestro at orchestrating better sleep overall. It’s a relaxation technique that chips in on stress reduction, a crucial ally in your journey toward a lighter you. So, picture it as your personal relaxation guide, helping you unwind and assisting in your quest for better sleep and weight loss. Rest easy, my friend, with intent!
- Integrate those weight loss yoga poses into your daily routine—it’s like a ritual. Even if you’ve mastered the art of the poses, the real secret sauce is showing up consistently. Think of it as tending to a plant; it won’t bloom without that regular TLC.
- Now, about your weight loss journey with yoga—patience is the name of the game. It’s not a sprint, more like a marathon. Let yoga weave its magic slowly; don’t expect an overnight transformation. Be patient, and trust me, you’ll start seeing those results.
- Want to fast-track the weight loss express? Throw in some gym workouts alongside your yoga routine. It’s like a dynamic duo, hitting fat from different angles for a knockout punch.
- Pair your yoga with a symphony of healthy eating habits. While yoga does its calorie-burning dance, feed your body the good stuff. Opt for meals packed with nutrients, keep portions in check, and time your meals wisely. Say no to junk, savor every bite, and cut out distractions during meals—TV can take a backseat. This combo of mindful eating and your faithful yoga poses is your golden ticket to not just weight loss but an all-around well-being upgrade.
- Time to take it outside! Blend your yoga with nature-infused activities. It’s a full-body experience, engaging muscles you didn’t know existed. Weekends are your playground—hiking, cycling, or whatever calls your name. It’s not just exercise; it’s a nature-infused mood booster, waving goodbye to stress with every outdoor adventure.
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